Are you a retailer interested in our ARLYS product lines and would like to purchase at wholesale?
We require a $300 initial order on all Wholesale Orders with a $100 re-order minimum thereafter.
We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal.
Please use this form to submit an inquiry to inquire about retail, wholesale, or distribution and any other business request such as a customized order. We will attend to your request shortly and it will be our pleasure to discuss your business needs together once we know a little about your business.
If you would like to contact us directly, please call us at 877.502.7597 (toll free) or 954.523.9513 (local in South Florida).
We also require a copy of your current year's business license/state registration and/or TAX ID on file or Sales Tax Certificate (in Florida only), so that we can add you as a wholesale account. You can fax this to us at 954.767.8973 or email it to us at: info@arlysnaturals.com.