Botanical Soaps

Why Handcrafted Botanical Soaps?
First, they are kinder and gentler to your skin as they clean. Only the highest grade vegetable oils such as avocado, jojoba, coconut oils, palm christi (vegetable castor), shea butter, cocoa butter, and more are used for their special emollient properties. You won't find any artificial colorings or Sodium Laurel Sulfate in our soaps. Only lots of natural glycerin, a humectant that helps attract moisture to the skin. Our essential oils, herbs, ground grains and nuts are blended to make your bathing experience pleasurable but, more importantly, nurturing for healthy, glowing skin.
Our botanical soaps weigh between 4-4.5 oz. Since they are cut by hand they are not entirely even - that's the nature of handcrafted soap.
Care of your Handcrafted Botanical Soaps
Due to the fact that handcrafted soaps are not commercially milled (for hardness) they are softer and need to be allowed to breathe. Placing them to dry on a draining soap deck is the best way to extend the life of your soap.
Breakaway from the ordinary - Make a Splash!
"I wonder how much it would take to buy a soap bubble if there were only one in the world?" ~ Mark Twain