Origin: Bulgaria
Family: Pinaceae
Process: Steam distilled-Needles
Description: A forest fresh scent that is invigorating to a tired mind. The American Indians thought it effective against scurvy, lice and fleas. Due to its antiseptic and bacterial properties, it is used as a fragrance component in many soaps, detergents, cosmetics and toiletries.
The essential oil contains pinene, borneol, cadiene, camphene, dipentene, among others.
NEED LARGER SIZES- Email us for pricing.
Product Application:
Essential oils should never be applied directly on the skin without diluting properly, usually blending with a carrier oil.
Pine, Scotch- 5 ml. - $10.95
Pine, Scotch- 10 ml. - $17.70
Pine, Scotch- 15 ml. - $23.40
Pine, Scotch- 1 oz. - $40.20
Pine, Scotch- 2 oz. - $74.10
ARLYS products and Information at www.arlysnaturals.com is not for medical,diagnostic treatment or curative purposes and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or medical treatment. Its intent is solely informational and educational. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.