Origin: Iran
Family: Rutaceae
Process: Cold pressed-Peel
Safety: Do not use before or after exposure to sun or tanning lights as it is photo-sensitizing.
Description: Lime has an intensely sharp and bittersweet fragrance and taste and is a good source of Vitamin C. It is used extensively in the perfume industry, as well as a flavoring in ginger ale and some cola drinks.
The essential oil contains linalool, terpineol, citral, bergaptene, limonene, linalyl acetate, among others.
Product Application:
Essential oils should never be applied directly on the skin without diluting properly, usually blending with a carrier oil.
Lime- 5 ml. - $9.20
Lime- 10 ml. - $13.50
Lime- 15 ml. - $17.10
Lime- 1 oz. - $27.60
Lime- 2 oz. - $48.90
ARLYS products and Information at www.arlysnaturals.com is not for medical,diagnostic treatment or curative purposes and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or medical treatment. Its intent is solely informational and educational. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.