Lemon-Steam Distilled-(Citrus limonum)

Lemon – Steam Distilled - (Citrus limonum)

Family: Rutaceae
Origin: Italy
Process: Steam Distilled-Rind

We love having this steam distilled Lemon oil (very low in the chemical compound bergaptene) for those who are looking to add it to their topical skin care projects without the photosensitizing effect of cold-pressed lemon oil.

Most people know the fresh, uplifting citrus aroma of the lemon, and the steam distilled Lemon essential oil shares that same citrus appeal, although it is softer, gentler, not quite as sharp.  Sure to be a welcome addition to your aromatherapy palette.

Lemon oil has a number of very important properties, of which, one of the most important, is its ability to help stimulate the white corpuscles that defend the body against infection.

The essential oil contains limonene, linalool, citral, citronellal, , cadinene, bisabolene, camphene, dipentene, pinene and phellandrene, among others.


Product Application:
Essential oils should never be applied directly on the skin without diluting properly, usually blending with a carrier oil.


Lemon-Steam Distilled - 5 ml. -         $12.20
Lemon-Steam Distilled - 10 ml. -       $21.00
Lemon-Steam Distilled - 15 ml. -       $28.50
Lemon-Steam Distilled - 1oz.    -       $50.25
Lemon-Steam Distilled - 2 oz.   -       $94.20


ARLYS products and Information at www.arlysnaturals.com is not for medical,diagnostic treatment or curative purposes and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or medical treatment. Its intent is solely informational and educational. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.