Thyme-Linalol (Thymus vulgaris)

Family: Lamiaceae (Mint family)
Origin: France
Process: Steam Distilled
Safety: Thyme oil must always be well diluted as it can sting and cause irritation-never use neat.

Description: Thyme (Thymus vulgaris Chemotype 'linalol'). A warm, pungent, herbal scent distilled from leaves and flowering tops of the Mediterranean shrub. Thyme has quite an extensive use in the ancient pharmacopia such as incense, used to ward off infection, used by the Eqyptians to embalm, treat leprosy, and paralysis, just to name a few. The name, derived from the Greek “thymos” means “to perfume”.

This is the gentlest of the Thyme cultivars for the skin and children.


Product Application:
Essential oils should never be applied directly on the skin without diluting properly, usually blending with a carrier oil.

Thyme(Linalol)-5 ml.-          $11.85
Thyme(Linalol)-10 ml.-        $20.10
Thyme(Linalol)-15 ml.-        $27.00
Thyme(Linalol)-1oz.-            $47.55
Thyme(Linalol)-2 oz.-           $88.80


ARLYS products and Information at www.arlysnaturals.com is not for medical,diagnostic treatment or curative purposes and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or medical treatment. Its intent is solely informational and educational. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.